Why Kids Love Our Summer Camp
Our summer camp and winter/spring camp sessions offer an excellent place to bring the kids when they are out of school. Our Star Wars themed camps include Jedi Dodgeball, build your own light saber, crazy hair day, pizza day, and of course, the ultimate trial to become a defender of the galaxy! The Kempo Academy of Darien summer program for kids provides excitement, exercise, learning, martial arts, and of course fun! Kids will practice teamwork, strategy, goal setting, leadership and more as they move towards their Jedi Trials at the end of the week.
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2017 Summer Camp Schedule
June 19th - June 23rd
July 10th - July 14th
July 24th - July 28th
August 21st - August 25th
“Let them dirty the walls and you will benefit from amazing kids.”
Need More Info? Scroll Down To See Camp F.A.Q. And Benefits.
Ready To Register Or Have Questions? Submit The Form Below!
Summer Camp F.A.Q.
Curious about our camps and summer programs? Here's a few common asked questions that should provide you with some additional information!
Camp Details
Summer camp starts at 9:00am and runs until 1:00pm. Camp is designed for children ages 4 - 10 (with some exceptions for younger ones). Drop-off can be as early as 8:45am and no worries if you're running late, kids can jump right in, even if we've already started up. Pick-up can be as early as you like if you have another obligation, but we ask that all campers are picked up by 1:00pm at the latest. This is to ensure we have enough time to get the Dojo ready for our karate classes in the afternoon.
What Should My Camper Bring?
Participating in summer camp is pretty easy and you don't need much, but we do recommend that kids bring a few things with them each day they come to camp. Mainly, kids should come with a snack and lunch, including any special drinks they enjoy. We do have water for our activities, but most students will bring something extra to drink for snack/lunch.
Should They Bring Anything Else?
Campers are also encouraged to bring a few of their favorite crafts/hobby related materials. This includes things like Pokemon cards, books, games, etc. Our camp instructors will give the kids a small amount of time during snack to enjoy their favorite personal time-sinks through free-play. Please be sure that whatever you bring is organized and labeled so it doesn't get lost or mixed with another campers stuff. When you're bringing food and drink, please be sensitive to common allergies. We specifically have a no peanut policy, just in case! Also, if you have other important items such as inhalers, epipen injectors, etc., please provide those material along with the accompanying instructions and procedures to make sure we can take the correct action, and do it quickly, in case of an emergency.
Why Summer Programs Benefit Children
If you've ever been to camp as a kid, it should come as no surprise that camp is such an important part of growing up. If you never did summer camp as a child, or you just need a fresh perspective, here are a few reasons why camp is so awesome!
A Day Full of Movement
Think about it, kids spend almost an entire year sitting in a class room! And when they get home? They take a seat and watch TV or play some video games. These habits don't necessarily lead to a life time of being in good physical health. Camp is a way for kids to move, and move a lot! Our campers don't just run, jump, dive, crawl, dodge, and play, they also learn the basics of the martial arts. This gives them a sense of balance, focus, and a goal to work towards. Our summer camp programs send kids home feeling great and tired at the same time, *dusts off hands* a job well done!
Teamwork and Social Skills
Being a camper means joining a team and a community. Our summer camp program and activities encourage kids to cooperate and respect each member of camp and the instructors. Children will learn to work together for the benefit of the team, and through accomplishment, see the rewards of focusing on the group rather than the individual. Kids will learn to build relationships and trust their teammates in a guided and structured setting.
We are big believers in the idea of learning to fall, fail, and then being able to pick yourself up and try again. Camp is a place where kids can realize it's okay to make mistakes and that mistakes are tools for learning and improvement. Critical thinking, decision making skills, and confidence are all positive outcomes from this type of social engagement. If we can create adult scenarios, in ways kids understand and enjoy, then we position them to better handle real world situations and responsibilities as they grow up!
Summer camp is a place where kids can meet new people, build connections, and make friends for life. Without the expectations that exist in a school classroom, children can express themselves, act naturally, and see the true character of their peers. With this type of freedom, children will naturally be more friendly and accepting of others, leading them to engage with their peers in ways they might not be able to in school. Add to this that they are having a blast, unplugged from technology, and you set the groundwork for real friendship and respect!
Final Thoughts
Summer camp at Kempo Academy of Darien is an amazing experience and we often find that kids want to come back for additional weeks. The camp schedule is currently set up for a total of four weeks over the summer. You can register for a single week or for each week that's available! If there is enough interest in having additional weeks of camp we're happy to accommodate. Curious about something we missed? Have additional thoughts, questions, or comments? We'll do our best to give you all the information you're looking for. Submit the form, shown above the F.A.Q. and Benefits, to contact one of our karate instructors and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. We're excited to see you for camp this summer!